
Posts Tagged ‘Free Bible Program’

The Word Bible

August 19, 2013 2 comments

theWord Bible Software

I want to spread ‘The Word’ about a new digital Bible that is making headway in the area of home Bible study. This Bible program has been developed with the amateur and professional theologian in mind. It incorporates the ability to read and study from various translations of scripture, while at the same time allowing the user to search various dictionaries or read material from some of the most popular pastors, theologians, and professors of Church history.

Therefore I give you a link to this exceptional and useful Bible study tool. Just click the picture above.

dcox-gravator-small50x50I also want to promote the work of my dear friend David Cox. David is a missionary, pastor, and evangelist in Mexico City. David has been working on creating modules for ‘The Word’ Bible program in which aides the Bible student in his study of scripture and knowledge of what some of the best theologians of church history have written concerning biblical and theological matters.

Here is a link to David’s page, on which you can download free modules to add to ‘The Word’ Bible program. While on his page feel free to thank him for his tremendous sacrifice of spending time on making these modules. As you download these modules, please consider supporting his work in Mexico.