
Posts Tagged ‘Mysteries’

Man claims to know the exact day that Christ will return

April 15, 2013 6 comments

wolf-angry4When will these nut cases quit making false claims? I know, I know, they will not quit making false claims until Christ actually returns; for Peter declared: “But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies……2 Peter 2:1”

Here is another man who claims to have worked out a secret formula that will give him the revelation knowledge of when Christ will return. This man, not only claims to know the exact year, but the very day in which Christ will return. This is contrary to what Christ told his apostles; for Christ told them “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.”

Nevertheless, in this age of technological breakthrough it seems that hosts of people have come out claiming all kinds of false beliefs about the scriptures. We have had Y2K, the Bible Codes, Harold Camping, and we could go on and on. Yet none of these nut cases have been right on their predictions.

So if anyone is interested in ordering a Dvd that will cause amusement and laughter, then here it is. Remember, a merry heart doeth good like a medicine………………and a false prophet always speaketh lies.


 “Would you like to know the specific day of the Lord’s return?

Product Description

Pastor Mark Biltz of El Shaddai Ministries believes he knows – the exact day, if not the specific year.

It is laid out in a series of two DVD teachings produced by WND Videos called “The Feasts of the Lord.”

The spring feasts – or appointed times – were fulfilled by the first coming of Yeshua, the Hebrew name of Jesus, which means “Salvation.” The fall feasts will be fulfilled by His Second Coming – in the very near future, explains Biltz in an engaging, informative and entertaining series of teachings you will want to watch again and again and share with your friends, relatives and fellow believers.

Biltz emphasizes that these feasts, described in Leviticus, were not intended for the Jewish people alone. They are repeatedly referred to in the Bible as “the Lord’s feasts” – meaning they are for all people. They are meant to be observed as well as to serve as signs of the times in which we live – reminders of the greatest events of the past and foreshadowings of the future.

A feast is defined as “an appointment, i.e., a fixed time or season; also a signal (as appointed beforehand).” Filled with specific scriptural references, word studies and a historical explanation of the real significance of the feasts of the Old Testament.

Biltz says much of the church is asleep – unaware of the significance of the feasts on God’s holy time clock. The feasts were not intended to be abandoned by believers after the coming of Jesus. His followers observed them in the first century. It’s time to discover them again as the hour of His return approaches.”



See the claims here on this order page for a Dvd on the teaching of the Jewish feast.

Natural Knowledge of God

February 29, 2012 2 comments

Man with all his shrewdness is as stupid about understanding by himself the mysteries of God, as an ass is incapable of understanding musical harmony.

Calvin on 1Co1:20.


Knowledge of Religion

(2.) Knowledge of the grounds of religion much enriches the mind. It is a lamp to our feet; it directs us in the whole course of Christianity, as the eye directs the body. Knowledge of fundamentals is the golden key that opens the chief mysteries of religion; it gives us a whole system and body of divinity, exactly drawn in all its lineaments and lively colours; it helps us to understand many of those difficult things which occur in the reading of the word; it helps to untie many Scripture knots.

Thomas Watson ‘A Body of Divinity’ (A Preliminary Discourse to Catechizing)

Concerning Searching out God’s Mysteries

It is the most ungodly and dangerous business to abandon the certain and revealed will of God in order to search into the hidden mysteries of God.

Martin Luther (1483-1546)