
Posts Tagged ‘Godly Fear’

The Wednesday Word: Afraid to Meet God?

February 24, 2021 Leave a comment

Some years ago, a gospel minister was called to the deathbed of a young man dying from Tuberculosis. The minister looked at the poor wasted form in the bed and saw there was not much time left. The young man’s short span of life was about to run out. They exchanged some civilities and then the minister asked,

“Are you afraid to die?”

The young man said nothing. Again, the minister asked him,

“Are you afraid to meet God?”

The young man fixed his anxious eyes upon the preacher then slowly and deliberately said,

” I am afraid to die … I’m missing something.”

The minister said to him,

“Yes, indeed, it is a solemn thing to meet a holy God, who will not pass over even one sin. God must condemn sin wherever it is found … how can you stand before Him, with sin upon you?”

The young man then said, “I know Christ died for sinners, and I know I am one, but I’m missing something.”

The preacher realized that he was speaking to someone who knew their need and knew Christ had done a work for sinners but was looking into themselves for assurance. Only false assurance can be gained by looking inward.

The minister opened his Bible and turned to John 3:14-16, and pointed out that,

God was the giver.

Christ was the gift.

The gift was lifted up upon the cross.

Whosoever believeth on Him has eternal life.

“I know all that,” the young man said, “but still I’m missing something.”

The minister then turned to John 5:24, “He that heareth my word, and believeth on Him that sent me, has everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life.”

“Yes,” he said, “but I do not know that I have got it. I’m missing something.”

The preacher then read Isaiah 53:6, “All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned everyone to his own way, but the Lord has laid upon him the iniquity of us all.”

Looking at the young man he said,

“All we like sheep have gone astray!’ is that true of you?”

“Yes indeed”

The preacher then said, “We have turned everyone to his own way. Is that also true of you?”

“Yes, indeed, too true,” he replied.

“Now listen to the next words, ‘The Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.” Is that true also?”

The dying man then paused for a full half a minute, He then deliberately said, … “If one is true, the other must be true.”

“Well, then” the minister asked, “will the Father charge you for that which He has already condemned and punished Christ?”

With a look of intense relief depicted on his face, the young man exclaimed, … “No, He will not; He put my iniquities on Jesus, and they are gone.”

“Are you now afraid to meet God? Are you now afraid to die?” asked the preacher.

“No indeed” said the young man. I know now that I am saved; I know now that Christ took my sins.”

As the young man lay exhausted on his pillow, panting and coughing, the minister felt it was time to leave him alone but before he left he prayed asking the Lord to give His word an abiding place in the young man’s heart.

The day before his death a lady who called to see him was pressing the gospel truth on his mother, who in reply said, “I know He is a Saviour, but I cannot say He is my Saviour.” The young man was listening, and exclaimed, “Oh mother, can’t you say He is your Saviour?”

For his remaining few days, after the ministers visit, the young man confessed with his mouth, believed with his heart and learned to rest on Christ alone.

Then he quietly fell asleep in Jesus.

And that’s the Gospel Truth!

Miles Mckee