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Reformedontheweb is back online!

Hello world and wordpress followers! Hope you are all doing well! We here at Reformedontheweb are doing just fine! I know many of you have probably wondered what happened to Reformedontheweb’s website. Well the truth is, is that our hosting service was bought out and the new owners shut down the hosting portion of which they purchased. So we were totally without a hosting service, but that’s alright because the site was in pretty miserable shape anyway.

This brings me to the point of this post. A year ago a new hosting service was acquired, however, there was no reason to put anything online until this site was cleaned up. So for the past year I have gone through this site and fixed old links, fixed the sidebar, and fixed all the broken counters that were present on every page. I have also taken a good majority of the links and placed them into PDF downloads. Which means this site contains 1027 PDF downloads and 84 audio files. This isn’t including the several hundred PDF links that are not in house! With the new hosting service my simple domain name will also get you to my site, unlike when I had my old hosting service which supplied me with no redirect option. Therefore,


will take you to my home page.

Everyone of you know what this site is built around and that is good ole Baptist Covenant Theology. Therefore, if you want to read some old Baptists expounding why infant baptism is a tradition of men, not supported by Scripture, and just a straight up complete twisting of the Scriptures, then visit my site and especially the Baptist Issues Page! This means you can read men like: Edward Barbers and his “Treatise of Baptism” or Andrew Ritor and his “The Vanity of Childish Baptisme,” in which he wrote a second part to (And why not) called “The Second Part of the Vanity & Childisnes of Infants Baptime”. In the first part he took the Church of England to task for baptizing infants based upon it being the law. In the second part Ritor took the Separates to task for baptizing infants based on a believing parent’s faith and covenant theology.

Now I don’t want my Paedobaptist brothers to feel left out and to feel as if they can’t pay us a visit, for we have some Calvin, Luther, and Edwards also. Not to mention we have a scanned copy of John Brown’s “Self Interpreting Bible” and Theodore Haak’s “Annotated Bible” authorized by the Synod of Dordt. Therefore, whether you hold to Padeobaptism or not, you can still pay us a visit! (These files are scanned copies of these Bibles and are divided into parts, however they are still pretty big files ranging anywhere from 35 to 80 mb’s.)

I want to state that many of the Pdfs on this site were Pdf’s I downloaded way back in the early part of the 2000’s. So many of the sites have shut down which housed these documents. Therefore, if I have something on my site which is copyrighted and it belongs to you, then shoot me an email and we will discuss about taking it down. I am not gaining any profit from this material and am just trying to provide a site where good theological books or articles can be obtained for free and especially those of early Particular Baptists. My email address is reformedontheweb@yahoo.com

I hope everyone enjoys the site and I just want to say that it is good to be back! My blog has also become active again and I hope in the future to blog on some theological issues and review some good books of which I am reading.

Thank you to all those who have followed this blog over the years and have visited my website. I heard from some of you over the past year concerning my website and worked diligently to get it back up and running for you all!

Sincerely your servant in Christ,


  1. June 25, 2024 at 9:26 am

    SOOOO proud of you, my beloved, for all the tireless hours in the wee hours of the morning and more recently, throughout the afternoon as well — checking and searching for documents, reading, editing, formatting, and adding all the valuable bookmarks to the PDFs! Thank God for the ministry He has given you, and for having given you the passion, diligence, and fortitude to accomplish it all!

    • June 25, 2024 at 9:34 am

      Thank you darling for your kind words! I am sooo proud to have you in my life!!! I thank God that you love good theology as much as I do! Especially Baptists Covenant theology!!!!

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