
Posts Tagged ‘Eternal Punishment’

Matthew Vines’ Interpretations Debunked by Christians with Same-Sex Attractions

October 8, 2012 4 comments

To follow up on our post concerning Matthew Vines’ twisting of scripture, to suit his gay lifestyle, I want to point to a third and final article put out by In this article Christianpost interviewed eight different individuals who have struggled with same sex attractions, yet who have abstained from participating in gay relationships, once they came to know Christ.

I want to focus mainly on the first two interviews and then you can follow the links and read the entire article for yourself.

The first man interviewed was Christopher Yuan. He admits to having been a homosexual and contracting the HIV virus. While sitting in prison for drug dealing Yuan was confronted with the option of reading a book, wherein a man argues that one can be gay and Christian. Yuan threw the book in the trash and instead chose to follow Christ and the Bible.

Yuan states that it wasn’t the six passages that Vines’ misinterpreted that made him abstain from homosexual relationships, but rather the fact that once we come to Christ our life is to be identified with Christ. God calls us to holiness and we are to be holy for he is holy. Yuan decided to go on to Bible College and study for degrees in theology. He is now an adjunct instructor of the Bible at Moody Bible Institute.

Before Yuan closes his interview he takes Vines’ to task concerning several of his interpretations of the six main scriptures that Vines’ reinterprets in order to justify his homosexual lifestyle. Yuan also shows where singleness is not a curse and that one can live a fruitful life, in Christ, even though they are single.

If you would like more info on Christopher Yuan and his ministry, then click right here.


The second man that Christianpost interviewed is Tom Brock. Brock has struggled with same-sex attractions most of his life. During his 22 years as a Pastor, within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Brock spoke at church conventions for the Biblical standard of celibacy for those with same-sex attractions. In 2009, however, the ELCA began ordaining practicing homosexuals. Brock left his denomination, but still affirms in his television broadcast, that same-sex attraction is a sin and though he struggles with it, that does not give him license to practice homosexual behaviour. Brock went on to testify before the hearing at the convention of the Presbyterian Church (USA) when they were debating on whether or not to change the definition of marriage to include homosexual couples.

Brock stated that the Bible is clear on the six scriptures that Vines’ is trying to reinterpret. Brock declared that the Bible calls homosexuality a sin and he is torn apart to see Bishops endorse something that he knows is evil.

Brock was interviewed on a Minneapolis Radio station and was asked why he just doesn’t go with the orientation of who he is? Brock responded by stating that he is glad that he doesn’t or he would be dead. He said that many men his age who have went into homosexual lifestyles are now dead.

Lastly, Brock concludes throughout this interview that homosexuality is a sin. It is a sinful lifestyle, that should be abstained from because  Christ has called us to take up our cross, deny ourselves, and follow him.

If you would like to follow Tom Brock you can watch his television program right here.


In conclusion I want to say that since the fall of Adam, men have tried to lower the moral standards of the Bible, in order to continue their perverse lifestyles. God is a holy God. This is proof that the Bible is true. All other religions have a god created after man’s on nature. In other words we always create a god that will allow us to do what we please and still go to heaven or a place of eternal bliss. Yet no one wishes for the God of the Bible. Man could not have made him up. He is holy, righteous, and separate from sinners. He will judge us all at the end of our lives. We need to turn to him and ask his forgiveness.

To read more of the article at Christianpost one can click right here.

By hardening his neck, a sinner closes the doors of heaven

When sinners are lost their consciences will forever reproach them for destroying themselves. They are made to eat of the fruit of their own ways, and are filled with their own devices. They utterly perish in their own corruption. By hardening his neck, the sinner, with his own hand, closes the door of heaven against himself.

Asahel Nettleton-The Destruction of Hardened Sinners


Gays Shove Evangelists

It never ceases to amaze me how those who push for rights, that are twisted and perverted, will do so under the guise that the opposing side are just bigots. What I am speaking of today is the homosexual movement’s agenda to gain rights that are supposedly equal to what heterosexual couples enjoy. The fact of the matter however; is that they don’t want the same rights as heterosexual couples, but instead want special rights. In other words they want to do what they want to do and everyone else has to stand around and agree with it. I am going to prove this assertion in the video below.

In the video below we will see gays mocking and making fun and even resorting to violence in order to get their so-called points across. This is the real mindset of homosexuals. They believe that no one has any rights to do what they please, except for them. If you stand on a corner and preach the gospel, in a land where you have the right to do so, then homosexuals who don’t like it, will violate your rights by resulting to violence against you.

Before I go any further I want to state what God says about homosexuality. God condemns this act. He declares it an abomination in his sight and one that will result in the participant’s eternal destruction.


Leviticus18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

1 Corinthians 6:9 You know that wicked people will not inherit thekingdomofGod, don’t you? Stop deceiving yourselves! Sexually immoral people, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, HOMOSEXUALS,

1 Corinthians  6:10  thieves, greedy people, drunks, slanderers, and robbers will not inherit the kingdom of God.


WARNING: Video contains partial nudity and profanity. Click on link to play.

Homosexuals Are the Real Bigots

Homosexuality is against nature itself. It is sin against a Holy Creator, who designed human beings to have sex with a member of the opposite sex, but only within a marriage covenant relationship. Homosexuality is a perversion and corruption of the very foundation of human society. Those who practice such things will not be accepted of God, but will face eternal damnation in Hell.

Those who claim to be homosexuals want to call those who speak against their life style, bigots. But in this short video, Dr. Alan Cairn will tell us who the real bigots are.

Will we be Happy in Heaven, with our Loved One in Hell?

Can the believing husband in Heaven be happy with his unbelieving wife in Hell? Can the believing father in Heaven be happy with his unbelieving children in Hell? Can the loving wife in Heaven be happy with her unbelieving husband in Hell? I tell you, yea! Such will be their sense of justice that it will increase rather than diminish their bliss.

Jonathan Edwards