
Posts Tagged ‘Mockery’

Police threaten an evangelist for preaching on “Hell”

March 26, 2013 5 comments

A Rock Island, Il. Evangelist was threatened by police officers for preaching on “Hell” and accused him of cussing. Yet, if this Evangelist was using the term in reference to a particular place, (which he was), then there was no profanity in his speech.

Here is a portion of an article describing the events that surrounded the threats by local police:


“A Rock Island, IL, street evangelist has filed complaints after local police have twice threatened him with arrest for preaching about “hell” and informing people that they must die and face judgment. The court also required the man to justify his use of the word “hell,” asking why the alleged cuss word was a necessary part of his message.”



Read the rest of the article here:



Nevertheless, Dan Savage was allowed into a public school in order to bully, cuss, and ridicule those who hold to the Christian faith and nothing was done by authorities concerning this matter.

Read about Dan Savage’s rant here.

Those who ridicule the Bible and protest of Christian’s intolerance against homosexuality, murder, abortion, etc… ;are really showing that the shoe is on the other foot. I have yet to encounter someone on this blog who professes to be an atheist, homosexual, etc…; who actually shows tolerance for beliefs that differ with theirs.

So those who claim that Christians are bigots are showing their true colors.